Registration Information


This is something you’ve ALWAYS wanted to do - this is your time! Don’t waste another year of your life wishing you knew more about the Bible.

You are invited to fulfill your dreams of a bible college education that is affordable and fits your schedule. 


  • School of Ministry: Tuesdays from 7-9 PM starting the first Tuesday in January every year.

  • Location: 75 N. Paint Street, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601


  • The School of Ministry is $900 a year ($300 a Quarter)

  • Monthly options may be available, please ask if you need assistance.


Register now by processing your $35 application fee and our intake form. You can get started here


Contact Amber today at 740-663-5497 and she'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the School of Ministry!


Enrolling in the School of Ministry was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Not only for my spiritual growth but also in helping me become a better wife and mother. Each lesson is based on Jesus as the cornerstone and is packed with ways to become more like Him! My favorite part is the class discussion time! I love hearing each persons view as well as amazing, eye opening teaching by Pastor Mark ... I always walk away with a fresh, new perspective!
— Rachel Pinson, Mother & Wife

I had the pleasure of attending the School of Ministry with my wife and still today we believe it was the most impactful 2 years for our family, our child, our business and our relationship with Christ. You will experience genuine life change.
— David Lively - Business Owner

Attending the School of Ministry was one of the best investments of my time and money that I’ve ever made. Classes are exciting, challenging, relevant and life changing. I’ve received several degrees in my lifetime but this one is the most precious. What I’ve learned here I will carry into eternity.
— Chris Meade, Business Owner & Grandma

The 2 years I spent at the School of Ministry truly changed my life and my relationship with Christ. I was able to learn how real God is by understanding more and more of his word. I’m so grateful I didn’t wait until I was older to do this.
— Micah Reisinger, Student

I had no idea what God had in store for me when I enrolled in the Southern Ohio School of Ministry—I only knew this work-at-home mom was ready for more Jesus, more knowledge and more wisdom. I had no idea Old Testament Survey would stretch my brain and New Testament Survey would grow my faith. I had no idea Biblical Counseling would sustain my marriage and Leadership Goals would strengthen my family. I had no idea Teaching and Preaching would be the beginning of a career as a speaker, or Bible Study Methods would help me write a book. I had no idea my teacher would become my mentor, and my classmates my best friends. I had no idea—but God knew. I’m eternally grateful He equipped me to love Him more as Biblical truth was revealed each week.
— Amy Lively, Speaker & Author

When I came home from spending 6 months in Kenya the one thing I knew I had to do was start the School of Ministry. And now that I’m one year into the school, I am so glad I did! What I wanted most from completing classes wasn’t to graduate or even get a certificate but to gain confidence in ministering to others. And after a year of school I feel more confident now that ever before!
— Chelsey Bolles